Antoine Sauray

Experienced Software Engineer with a specific interest in backend and infrastructure.

I have worked at various levels of the technical stack and showed autonomy in learning and approaching new problems. I put an emphasis on both technical skills and interpersonal skills.

Work experience

Software Engineer @ BlaBlaCar (Remote) - 2020/current

  • Scope: carpool team - working on core carpool business logic and driver facing features.
  • Stack: Java, Kotlin, Springboot, MySql, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Kubernetes, Istio
  • Milestones
    • Member of the BlaBlaCar architecture team on behalf of carpool domain engineers. This role implies a responsibility to organize and attend ADR presentations as well as to provide feedback to engineers on proposals. (2022 - current)
    • Identified and led an initiative to reduce deployment uncertainty: leading a group of diverse people (backend, data, infrastructure) towards the redaction of an ADR. Leveraged Kubernetes tools to implement canary deployment and wrote technical documentation targeted at the engineering team. (2021 - current)
    • Co-contributed to the carpool service design (layered architectured) and co-implemented in java. (2020 - current)
    • Identified that the engineering team was slowed down with low to no code reusability on APIs: Designed and led a project to make OpenAPI a new standard for API definitions. This specification format is now widely used in the technical team ( ~ 200 engineers) for both documenting and generating API clients. This project drastically reduced engineering time spent on low value tasks such as DTO implementation and improved knowledge on our APIs. (2020 - 2021)

Software Engineer @ iAdvize (Nantes) - 2018/2019

  • Scope: Chatbots / Live data processing
  • Stack: Scala (Akka Http, Akka Stream, Lagom), Kafka, algorithms(Scikit-Learn, Rasa, Duckling)
  • Milestones
    • Co-architectured, deployed and maintained an event sourced application in production
    • Co-wrote, deployed and maintained live data processing algorithms leveraging kafka: live classification conversation, live product entities extraction

Freelance Software Engineer (Nantes) - 2017/current

Founder / Created Watchpager (Nantes) - 2021/current
  • Scope: Incident management for PagerDuty on Apple Watch
  • Stack: Golang (serverside), PostgreSql (using pgx), Swift (client side)
  • Milestones
    • Validated the product idea with a landing page
    • Defined a MVP and delivered the application within 3 months on the AppStore.
Founder / Created (Nantes) - 2019/2020
  • Scope: Feature Store application to improve interactions between software engineers and data scientists
  • Stack: Scala (Http4s, Cats), Python (Scikit-learn, Tensorflow)
  • Milestones
    • Evangelize the topic with a talk about machine learning in production at the Nantes Machine Learning Meetup.
    • Delivered an MVP and did prospection, stopped after 6 months for lack of business opportunities.
Other - 2017/2020
  • Mobile Development: native(Android java/kotlin, iOS swift) and multiplatform (xamarin)
  • Worked with: DBM-VI (CRM), Hi-Goji (IoT), Eram (product portfolio)

Internship: Network Engineer @ Rise Acro (Stockholm) - 2017

  • Scope: Explore a new network architecture model: Software Defined Networks (SDN), implement protocols and communicate research
  • Stack: P4 (programming language), Python
  • Milestones
    • Implemented network protocols: ICMP, MPLS
    • Wrote documentation and presented my work to researchers. We had time to consider extending the research to an exploratory topic relevant in SDN: congestion control using learned algorithms.

Internship: Research Software Developer @ IRISA (Vannes) - 2015

  • Scope: implement a C++ library to simplify usage of complex tree construction algorithms developped by IRISA researchers. Leverage native binding to provide access to this library to high level language with managed memory.
  • Milestones
    • Implemented a successful abstraction on top of complex algorithms. Plugged native binding from Java, Python and R to this library.
    • Successfully proved that native bindings outperformed Java/Python/R implementations of the same algorithms.


Graduate Engineer @ Polytech Nantes - 2015/2018


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Software craftsmanship
  • Public speaking